Features of E-Gurukulam

Teaching Aids

All features of a smart classroom include a whiteboard, screen recording, remote screen access, playing videos and audio files, and display of images and documents.  Remote content access, features to support evaluation…

Communication Aids

E-Gurukulam is designed for collaboration. The installations can share resources as per authorisation. One teacher can interact with multiple classrooms.  The system also provides the facility to have video/audio conferencing using the built-in system or using commercially available tools. It has email and SMS access. And chat facility…

Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge-sharing tools are very critical for effective knowledge imparting. However, this has to be secure and authorisation based. E-Gurukulam has several facilities for local and remote file sharing, syndication from various sources, placing requests, accessing and syndicating public knowledge bases like websites and YouTube channels, etc …

Application Specific Features

The facility to customise the application to suit specific requirements is a must to cater to a cross-section of the domain. E-Gurukulam can have as many addons on applications and also customise the application access to individual users.  These applications can be added after the installation as and when needed. Custom applications can be created, integrated, and rolled out to multiple installations even after installation.

There are scores of features embedded in E-Gurukulam. The list is being consistently enhanced and disseminated to the customers automatically. Macro features are listed below.  These are only indicative of the system.